PC Transparent Anti Riot Shield for Police Security

PC Transparent Anti Riot Shield for Police Security
  • PC Transparent Anti Riot Shield for Police Security
  • PC Transparent Anti Riot Shield for Police Security

PC Transparent Anti Riot Shield for Police Security

Model br. :MP-FBDP-016
Materijal :P olikarbonat
veličina: 900mm X 500mm X3mm

Detalji o proizvodu
PC Transparent Anti Riot Shield for Police Security 

Model br. :MP-FBDP-016
Materijal :P olikarbonat
veličina: 900mm X 500mm X3mm
Propusnost svjetlosti: 84%
Puncture resistant :above 147J kinetic energy shock  and 20J Puncture .
Zaštićeno područje >0,45m2
Čvrstoća spoja prianjanja: >500N
Jačina spajanja pojasa: >500N
Temperatura aklimatizacije: -20 °C ~ + 50 °C
Feature : high transparency ,lightweight, the shield can stand strong shocks


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